
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

At Your Best

Have you ever been in a relationship just because it was convenient or you didn’t want to be alone? Have you ever looked at your mate and grimaced; yet you remained in the relationship because you did not want to lose your home, the cash flow, or the car that you could not afford on your own? Have you ever clammed up when your partner touched you or have you envisioned another person so you could get through the sexual session?

If you answered yes to any question, you are guilty of depriving a mate of your best. Regardless of the reason or justification for your actions and behavior, you have performed acts against your spirit. When you perform against your spirit, things NEVER improve; they only worsen. 

I have heard countless stories of relationships where someone lost interest; and, I have been on both sides of the equation.  I have remained in a relationship due to emotional comfort, fear to start over, and fear of violence – but I have never remained for material things. I have walked away from everything on more than one occasion – sometimes leaving with just a bed or simply a suitcase – and not because it was all that I had as possessions. I did it because I would rather have my life and peace of mind than literally fight and brawl over material things. Some may think I am crazy (and some did when I walked away from everything that I built), but that is not the point of this post – to determine whether I left with the right amount of things.

The point is that I am willing to sacrifice to be at my best. When I am at peace, I have the greatest chances to perform at my best in all situations – on a business and personal level. That does not mean the sacrifice won’t bring tears, sadness, turmoil or loss – it means the sacrifice is necessary for growth.   To be one’s best, one must be tested, challenged, polished, refined, continually evolving and be willing to let go. Sometimes, letting go means letting go of the tangibles and holding on to the spirit. Some perceived comfort zones are merely stagnancy coated in emeralds; recognize them and be willing to trade them in for brilliance that attained when you are at your best. Several characters in my first novel, GHOSTWRITER, were not functioning at their best. Find out what happened to them.

Terry Birchwood


  1. In order to receive the most out of any relationship, one must be fully acquainted with their inner Self. With this, honesty and genuine emotion can flow forth freely. I empathize with the person who feels financially cemented in a relationship where their soul is not being nurtured and energized. Health and healing energy to those who feel trapped.
    Good piece, Terry.
